country living fair summer give-a-way / by Gina Bishop

Sorry this pic is so small (big to me, though, ;),)but, I was so fired up to learn that the Country Living Fair 2009 HomeGirl tent is being used to promote Country Living Magazine's summer give-a-way to the 2010 Country Living Fair. My friend, Amanda Trueman who helped me at the tent last year (and creates for HomeGirl) just left me a message that she was thumbing through her July CL issue and that our tent was on page 12 of the mag. I was so excited!!! HomeGirl will again be at the fair this year at the Ohio Village, Septemeber 24, 25, 26. To learn more about the give-a-way and the fair, go to This is so computer unsavvy of me for this "link", but there is also a video about the CL fair on - countrylivingfairstella.flv (or just search you tube for country living fair, stella show) that also has some "HG" in it...