Rust and Found

Rust & Found by Gina Bishop

With the Homegirl Barn Sale coming in a few weeks (June 5-7), I wanted to highlight some of the vendors that will be participating in the sale. First up, I am very excited to have Rust and Found back again this year and I love Becky's stuff and great style! Rust and Found features original furniture and lighting designs as well as vintage finds, home decor and restyled furniture. Re-purposing and restyling is strongly represented in the many decorating styles they offer! Here are some photos of Rust and Found's store location in Canal Fulton, OH.  Getting so excited for the sale!  Hope to see you there!

**Rust & Found's Facebook and a Blog can be found here.

SALE starts this Thursday! by Gina Bishop

SALE this Thursday eve 6-8 PM and Friday and Saturday 10AM-2PM.  
Looks like RAIN!  Please carpool if you can and be prepared for off-site parking.  We will have 1 shuttle bus and handicap parking and pickups can be made at my house.  Wear your rain boots and bring umbrellas.  Very limited parking in my yard if the weather is bad.  There will be a policeman at the end of the drive directing you.  Friday parking will be on Herrick Park Drive a little walk to my house.  I am keeping my fingers crossed it will pass!  :)  I hope to see you there!

Latest owl creation for sale!  Love!

This ottoman and dresser are darling!

Tall dresser - so pretty!

SALE NEXT WEEK!!!! :) by Gina Bishop

SALE is getting CLOSER!!!  I really am so excited about this sale!  My vendors are so ROCKIN and it is one cool thing after another!  Check out more on some of my vendors on Facebook.  Urban Chic Decor, Rust & Found and Funky Junk Boutique!  Also give my Facebook page a shout out if you would and "like" Homegirl!  Can't wait to see you next week!