salvaged signs

Letters from a friend by Gina Bishop

My friend, Tracy Corpus sent me these pics from her son's (Thompson and Barrett) rooms. She has triplets (2 boys and a girl) and the boys have a "jack and jack" suite in their home. She used the awesome salvaged letters from HomeGirl and I love how she went around the corner with Thompson. Great job, girl!!! If you have pics of your letters bought from HomeGirl, please email them to me at Can't wait to see them!

I saw the sign by Gina Bishop

Oooohhhh I'm seeing signs. I have some really cool ones right now. Love the Food for a kitchen or a table top and the opposites 'right' and 'left' and so approite for my girls or me and my husband. The "Gere" is a collection I put together for a baby's room in Flordia. The "G" was one of the best letters I have ever had. Have lots of new letters!!! Will ship! Let me know if you have any requests!