Happy Home

The beginning and end of my day is here... by Gina Bishop

The beginning of my day and the end of my day - for 3 seasons that is, always take place in one room of my house... my sun-porch.  It really is my most favorite room of my home (although I say that about every room)!  I watch the sun rise and go down here and the room has such a cozy, happy feel you really just cant help not wanting to leave it.  

I set myself up today to work here because it is raining and it is just so awesome to be in this room when it rains. Being thankful to be in my warm, dry house, I was inspired to photograph it and share it with all of you who just cant come over and hang.   This is such a personally decorated room for me- which are all of my rooms, what am I talking about? but for this room truly.  With this post I would like to share the story behind all of the makings of this room.  Each piece helps tell the story of me and my family.  

Common activities of this room include:
1.Meditation - before anyone else is up. 
2. My morning coffee date with Brian - my favorite part of the day!
3 Snuggling with the girls (and cats) all piled on couch when they wake up. 
4. Eating Lunch.
6. Napping.
7. Napping.
8. Napping.
9. Working - lightly... :)
10. Reading.
11. Napping.
12. Talking on the phone.
13. I-Pad time.
14. Hanging with family and friends.
15. LOUNGING - with a little napping!
16. Reflecting on the days activities.
17. "Camping" on the porch.

The cornerstone of this room is the cozy, comfy couch that is 18 years old.  It was our first big purchase for me and Brian in the first apartment we shared together.  I remember calling my mom and asking her if it was a "good deal" - (it is a pull out and came with a love seat) and I was a nervous wreck having to make my first big charge purchase. But I have to say, it was worth every penny.  The slip covers have seen their finer days and with all of the coffee stains, it is essential that I have a quilt thrown over it.  The quilt is another story.  OH, I just have never seen anything like it.  The vintage fabrics and the loops that are on the border just kill me.  It really is instant happy all in of itself!  

The patchwork chairs just joined the room after my last sale and I really did buy them for me and secretly hoped they would not sell so I had an excuse to Brian to "HAVE" to put them in our house.  Bummer.  I got my wish and now they live here and make me smile when I see them through my kitchen window.  Dos (our white kitty) sits on the chair in the window and he could not be any cuter or more perfect in that room.  

The pillows that currently live there are also from my last sale and are all handmade.  The deer pillow was made by our babysitter and she knows I love deer antlers!  The pillows often change with my mood and with the season and it is a lot of fun for me to change them up.

The artwork in the room all have stories as well.  The tree of life was given to me by my sister and I placed it here because I can see it out my kitchen window when we are dining.  I have such an affinity for it.  It is one of the least expensive things I own and also one of my most valuable possessions.  

The "3 Things" paper and wax collage is done by a friend of mine and one of my personal favorite artists, which reminds us to be thankful for 3 things a day.  The carnival "love birds" wire and wood cutout is just adorable and of course represents me and Brian.  

The macrame owl I die over, not only because it is an owl, but because it has lime green eyes and was $2 at a thrift store.  One of my blog readers gave me a tip when she spotted it while thrifting.

The wooden shoes sitting on the console table are also a long standing obsession with me.  I never can pass up buying a pair when I see them and I have them in all sizes, designs and colors!

The round weaved stool in front of the patchwork chairs was a find that I have yet to ever see again, and was supposed to go into a sale at some point but did not dare leave my house.

The lamp on the console is from Target and is the brand "Threshold".  I love that brand there.  It's red checked gingham inside the shade just is the sweetest.

Lastly is the found art clock "man" which I got from another artist I love.  It is made from upcycled materials and I own three of her clocks.

Thank you for letting me share this room with all of you!  I hope it inspires you to create that one special , personal spot for you that begins and ends your happy days!

Happy Home by Gina Bishop

"Happy Home, Everyday Magic for a Colorful Life" by Charlotte Hedeman Gueniau is a must read!  LOVE this book! I prefer a "colorful life" as opposed to a "neutral life" and it has been a huge inspiration to me in the development of my own writing attempts this summer.  Titles of chapters resonate with me so strongly like, "Living, Loving, Laughing", "Sleeping, Bathing, Dreaming" and "Working, Creating, Playing".  I have not posted lately because I feel a lot of my summer has been spent PLAYING!  I am enjoying the time spent with my girls and husband and being inspired in moments of letting go and taking in all of the awesome color that surrounds us!  I hope you do too!