The Country Living Fair rocked for Homegirl! THANK YOU ALL who came and visited (and shopped) with us! It was so much fun and we enjoyed meeting so many new people from all over the country! I will be making more posts from the fair, but wanted to share with you some of my favorite photos - there are lots! Sarah Gray Miller (editor-in-chief of CL) is holding the "Greetings from Columbus" postcard and this was a highlight for me. Another highlight was, Barbara (CL photo editor) bought my beloved ceramic sheep dog! CL staff was awesome as well as the other vendors we got to know! I want to personally thank my wonderful husband, Brian (pictured), one of my best friends, Amanda (pictured) for ALL of their help and Jay (Amanda's husband) for making the excellent Homegirl photo board! I never could have done this without the support of my family and my friends!!!
country lving fair 2009